I would like to try and reach out to all those who voted for Donald Trump to lead the United States.

First. A Trumpite is someone who voted for Trump and supports his agenda. Please know, I do not  consider Trumpites to be the deplorables even though, it appears all the the deplorables have joined and become Trumpites. One group in particular, are holding a parade for Trump. I hope that Trumpites will condemn the rhetoric and agenda of groups like that.

Second. I want to have hope for an amicable future, which includes bipartisan resolve. By this though, and I think I can speak for the 60-million plus voters and their families, who did not vote for Trump. Working together does not in any way imply that I bend over and say would you please doctor Trump“!! 

That would seem to be the interpretation I have been reading, from many Trumpites as regards “working together”. The proper form for the latter expectation is “my way or the highway”, or party of no tactics. Those who feel this way will soon discover that mindset leads to continued, total, and bitter divide. So, for those whose leader is to be empowered soon, it’s your move. 

what do Trumpites really want
from the liberal-progressive base??


Third. It might help thoughtful conservatives, to understand what progressives think of elect Trump.
Trump electoral system title is President Elect.
Trump popular vote title is Loser.
Trump current self earned title up to Nov 9, 2016 was:

Racist, Womanizing, Sexist, Homophobic, Xenophobic, Islamaphobeic, moron!! Oh, did I leave off Mysogynistic, Plutocratic, Demogogue!!

NOW DON’T GET OFFENDED because I said WAS!! Fact of the matter, until election day it seemed half of the conservative base were using similar terms to describe Trump but, in particular for liberal-progressive minds, this is the man we have come to know, time and time again. He has not only said these things, he has done these horrible things right in plain view or should I rather say tweets, rallies, and past groping!!

Here’s the the opportunity though. I and many progressives are holding our collective breath right now.

Trump has an extrordinary opportunity to redefine self!! 

We are hearing his pretty talk over the last couple of days but it is talk from a winner. Talking nice when you won – that’s easy, even for a pre-school toddler. 

It’s talking with all-sides compassion, wisdom, in the face of adversity, opposition, and without self-opportunism, that defines or “EARNS” respect, trust, cooperation. Those words are how I would rather come to know a President Trump – but it is totally up to him and all who voted for Donald Trump.

A King and his pretty people demand that every person bend the knee and kiss the hand in despair of staving off personal termination.  For now, we progressives will not succumb to being the same as those party of no Trumpites in Congress, who stole unto self, for self, the last 7-years of progress. Be it known though, there will be no bending of the knee. I will respect the law and recognize him as the system president elect; if Trump expects more from me or any progressives  – then he must earn it.