This is the question that scares Republican and Democratic leaders in Congress, the most. What could a President Trump do, that will require no Congressional approval?? Now that he is president elect, it is in his powers to, do-do, or not do, any or all of these items –  it is up to Trump.

Right now, I fear this new leader as does favorite author Stephen King. I cannot rationalize away Trump’s own words the way many a conservative has, saying “oh, Trump won’t really do that”. He said he would, he promised those who voted for him, he would. When I hear that conservative laxative rhetoric, I feel like I am being asked to bend over

just once, not enough“!!

But I will hold me breath and see what happens come January. In the meantime, let’s take a look at the potential devastation goring forward, based on Trumps own campaign promises. What is the executive power of Trump?

One. Trump can ban all Muslims. At the minimum he can ban based upon a religious test, which is unconstitutional but that may not stop Trump.

Two. He can deport all of the more than eleven (11) million undocumented immigrants, breaking up families and with that, expel more than five (5) million U.S. born citizen children and millions of kids who have literally grown up here. These are Obama’s dreamers, the kids who have been here since they were very young. 

Our immigration law may be “broken” but this is after all, the current broken law. Even President Obama could not circumvent this law, though he expressed many times, the desire to have the law amended so that a more responsive option were in place. A bi-partisan replacement was put before the U.S. House, in 2013, but was rejected by the GOP party of NO, speaker John Boehner, in the name of party of no politics – defeating Obama. 

Now imagine Trump with the full power of current broken immigration law behind him??  I keep hearing some conservatives saying “No, Trump would not possibly do that. Don’t worry, everything is going to be just fine.” This is one of Trumps most front and center promises and I beleive he will fulfill on this – but I do have a spin on it. It’s called GOP scare tactics. More on this in the next ‘what can he do’ update.

Three. Trump can immediately revoke U.S. trade agreements, NAFTA for one, agreements that have taken years to get into place and will be very hard to put anything back into place.

Four. He can alienate, offend, threaten – world leaders. After all He will be viewed as our new face, our personality, – and our U.S. conscience!!

Five. He can put preemptive boots on the ground (deploy the military) at his whim. He could start a war!! This is not atypical of GOP Presidents but Trumps mouth will make much easier, to provoke world fanatics. Why? Trump is a fantastic fanatic.

Six. Trump can launch a preemptive nuclear strike, ANYWHERE, Middle East, Europe? What will the fantastic fanatic deem to be fair hunting ground, to eradicate ISIS

Seven. He can follow through with his promise to reinstate the torture tactics of former VP Dick Cheney. Of course not to be underdone, Trump is planning to ratchet up. Trump promised to

Congress could stop him if they pass a bill saying that these types of activity are unlawful; wait, will the party of Trump ban Trump?? 

Even if so, that may be months or even years in the offing. Therefore, the only thing that may stop Trump on this, will be a revolt by our military, not Congress!!

Eight. Trump can withdraw the U.S. from the Iran deal, he can re-embargo Cuba, withdraw us from the W.T.O., and from NATO?? He could terminate the U.S.-Japan defense agreement and many others. 

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These are Trump’s promises,
in writing or spoken responses to direct questions!!
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Nine. Trump can slap tariffs on China, and other nations without Congress pre-approval, including Mexico, and other nations – take the U.S. into currency and global trade wars.

Ten. Trump plans to build his holy great wall on the southern border, with funds from those who wish to send remittance to mostly very poor families, in Mexico, by freezing sent funds by those who are not citizens, taxing funds of those who are, imposing higher fees on visas, etc. You think this is just made up, here is Trump’s own words:

“Mexico must pay for the wall and, until they do, the United States will, among other things: impound all remittance payments derived from illegal wages; increase fees on all temporary visas issued to Mexican CEOs and diplomats (and if necessary cancel them); increase fees on all border crossing cards of which we issue about 1 million to Mexican nationals each year (a major source of visa overstays); increase fees on all NAFTA worker visas from Mexico (another major source of overstays); and increase fees at ports of entry to the United States from Mexico [Tariffs and foreign aid cuts are also options]. We will not be taken advantage of anymore.”

The worst part of Trump’s promise is the response from conservatives. “No!! Trump would not possibly do this. Don’t worry, everything is going to be just fine.” REALLY??

Eleven. Trump can withdraw the U.S. from all global environmental impact agreements and talks; he could withdraw from the Paris climate change agreement. After all, he and the GOP believe that climate change is not happening, that seismic changes in many of our mother earth, such as rising sea levels, rising temps, regularly extreme weather; are just – normal behavior. He can gut all Federal programs and stop funding on environmental facing programs and commitments.

To quote Trump: “climate change is a hoax”

Trump can loose his tongue, oh wait it is always on the loose; get us into a conflict that puts us at direct odds with other large superpower nations like China, Russia, or how about a billion-Muslims.

As is his norm and as is starting up again, after the election, as Trump settles back into his own shoes; he released the bindings imposed by his campaign staff right before the election (they took away his twitter). Trump can twitter us right into a war or an internal domestic conflict. His pattern of antagonizing his opponents can and will, do much much more damage to U.S. relations now.

Thirteen. Trump can use the power of the DOJ and law enforcement, to his own ends. Settling scores, crunching opposition, punishing those he dislikes, and evade Congressional scrutiny, avoid lawsuits, forget about blind-trusts; how many other self serving commands might Trump demand??

I wonder if he might try and oust a Supreme Court justice who does not step to His beat??


Fourteen. Trump can fill his cabinet with deplorables – or perhaps do the opposite of his outsider platform promise – utilize skilled “politicians”, who know how to take part in a working government but are insiders extraordinaire. One thing is expected and for sure, no progressives – but that is to be expected.

Fifteen. What about Trumps business and the 2,500 lawsuits against Trump businesses right now?? Trump has failed to create a blind trust. Every other President before him, those with far far less in wealth or at stake than Trump and every cabinet member, in every presidency, in history – has done a blind trust

giving control to the kids 
is NOT defined as a blind trust!!

To the logical mind, the purpose of a blind trust is obvious, avoid the appearance of, accident of, or willful conduct of – conflicts of interest, self over we the people.

Or will this issue go the way of Trump tax returns, after all, as Trump has explained to us, it’s his business – and none of ours.

Jennifer Rubin put the Trump phenomina this way:

“[Mitch] McConnell has committed a quintessential Kinsley gaffe. (“A gaffe is when a politician tells the truth.”) Trump would become the most powerful person in the Free World and the head of a party. The GOP would literally become his party. His pronouncements and positions would be echoed by and defended by the entire GOP apparatus.” — J. Rulin 

Here are three things that Trump boasts about doing, but that he cannot do without a willing Congress approval

One. He CANNOT build His great wall, not without both Houses approval but I do not think it will be that hard for him to get his Trumpite Congress on board. We’ll see if the filibuster has play here.

Two. He CANNOT give the top 1%, a 19% tax cut. This sort of action is a part of taxing and budget; can only be drafted/approved by Congress. Then only, can Trump approve or veto, not before.

Three. Trump CANNOT replace the ACA (healthcare law – Obamacare), without 3/5 majority in the U.S. Senate, without, that is, using a GOP led “nuclear option”, to remove filibuster capability. He especially cannot execute on this on his first day, as he boasts. Any such process will take months. Can’t wait to see this feat of lord Trump magic.

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