This is BBSteve plan for immigration resolve and reform; is similar to the bipartisan plan presented in 2013, to Congress. That plan was unfortunately “shelved” by John Boehner, Speaker of the U.S. House, as part of the attack on Obama by the party of no.

Is it possible for us to move past gridlock-tactics and as a compassionate, reality desired, progress leaning people, make some new functional legislation??

Let us propose something that fixes the problems, does not need to deport the millions, reforms for smoother flow and greater efficiency, and double-down iron-grip deports those who engage in illegal trade like drugs and human-trafficking. Allow our law enforcement to deal with the real criminals, instead of the undocumented who are valued as a part of us.

First, what about Trump’s four-part plan?? It is almost the opposite of Reagan 1986 and of the bipartisan immigration bill of 2013. Trump is a cruel task master who sees undocumented immigrants as widgets who have outlived their shelf life. Horrible, reprehensible, tragic – and so, so Trump. 

Mitt Romney had an immigration plan in 2012. Unfortunately it too was a subtle “deport them all” plan, based on the concept starve the millions out. These two GOP plans basically, accomplish the same thing, for the same reasons. The GOP knows that it is not possible to deport them all; rather, SCARE THEM ALL!! Drive all the undocumented back into the shadows so that U.S. employers (like Trump), can continue to exploit and abuse the undocumented. Speak out and you get deported!!

Please pay heed to fact that the order of steps is the key in success of this plan. In other words, if plan were to execute step two, before step one, then we are fulfilling Romney’s 2012 plan, which was a subtle force them all to deport and then fix the problems. The BBsteve plan makes official, all those here now (though not citizens), so that there is no one left in the U.S., who is undocumented. No one who cannot work and contribute, legally!! No one left to deport except the real criminals. Those must be caught, serve time for crime convictions, and finally, be deported. The good news for immigrants, employers, and whole communities – those who are contributing, assimilating into we all the people get to stay and become productive residents, perhaps even productive citizens, one day.


** step three (border security and immigration vetting), is already well in progress, thanks to Obama and GW Bush before him. Each was ramping up border security during their terms but more is still needed and frankly, always will be **

  1. Move to make all those undocumented within our borders, official. NOT citizens; rather, official. Yes there can and I feel, should be a plan or path, to citizenship for all these but it must be crafted in such a way to make sure the officialized immigrants are completely responsible and obeying the law since becoming official (no felonies). In other words, ready to become a U.S. citizen.
  2. Stop 100% of any and all employers hiring anyone who is undocumented. Make sure the penalties are such that employers are compelled to obey immigration law.
  3. Continue to beef up, make more secure, and aggressively fight against illegal trade (drugs, human smuggling) and any and all other illegal activity across U.S. borders. This includes building walls, drones, more personnel, whatever it takes to accomplish the goal.
  4. Reform current U.S. legislation so that the process of legal immigration is smooth flowing, as expedient as possible, yet allows for thorough vetting. Streamline the process where possible, to aid both the immigrant process in their country and the process after they arrive, so that unneeded removal or departure can be minimized in favor of legal, official due process.


There is the plan, simple eh?? Oh wait, not so simple. There is GOP Congress and POTUS Trump to get past. This author is hoping we the people do not have to learn how heinous is lord Trump and the GOP, by experiencing the reality of the GOP deport them all plan. 

So what do you all say??

full text of 2013 Senate Immigration Bill