Sadly we see another big move in the direction of the great chasm of partisan politics. Another big example of a tantrum-inclined GOP Congress saying “my way or the highway”, to DEMs, to we the majority, even to each other. The politicians are unfettered by their constituents who put “party must win”, ahead of accountability for gridlock; welcome to the world of conservative voters. And finally, thanks to the significant liberal voting block who STAYED HOME in Nov 2016!!

Bet most of those folks are rethinking such strategy now, after 3-months of lord DJT!!

When did things get so partisan?? The GOP started their tirade extreme in Dec 2008, before ACA, before Obama had even taken office. In December 2008, high-ranking GOP leaders in Congress met and determined, officially, that for the next 4-years (and 8 as it ended), they, the GOP minority Congress (at that time), would say NO to Obama, 100% of the time!! There was no bar for good or bad, bipartisan or even good for the country consideration in their plan. The 2008 GOP leadership resolved to just say NO, every time.

Let us not forget that it was the GOP who crafted up the “nuke option” in 2005. They did not use it then because 14-senior members of the Senate came together to stop the nuke, in favor of a resolve suggested by 7-GOP and 7-DEM senators. Obama was not so lucky in 2009, 2010, or going into 2013, where we found the GOP party of NO saying no to him 100% of the time without even discussion of the merits.

Then the DEMs made a mistake. In 2013, they (Harry Reid majority Senate leader)  used the GOP concocted nuke option, to change Senate rules as regards appointing lower court judges. Why, because the GOP said no to all Obama appointments, all of them, period. This 8-year heinous behavior by the GOP was display of worst leadership ever but the DEMs still made the mistake in 2013.

Harry Reid invited this years mess, a nuke by GOP Congress, which now allows SCOTUS picks with a simple majority vote!!

Moving ahead to 2016, the GOP did the maximum tantrum last year in not allowing President Obama to fulfill his right to nominate a SCOTUS and be given a fair vote or even a consideration. The GOP simply said NO!! The vacancy created was clearly Obma’s to make; however, the GOP followed through with the previous 7-years into 8; party of NO tactics, period. No consideration at all of Obama right to participate.

All that is now history. There will be no more filibuster period!! I believe that the DEM Senate should insist that the filibuster be terminated for all Senate business. They do that by resisting GOP business and even though the GOP leaders have recently promised that their nuke was going to be SCOTUS only, we all know the temptation will be irresistible now; the GOP have tasted the blood and THEY WILL WANT MORE BLOOD!!

Now you never know, if per chance there ever is a group of 67 senators who can move beyond partisan divide and agree, I feel the Senate would do wonders to put into place, a mandatory 60-vote requirement for all SCOTUS, any appointments that last longer than 4-years, and all major legislative adds or changes. I do not however, think that will happen. Not a filibuster, which keeps in the shadows, who votes for what (or not); rather an actual up or down vote but required 3/5 majority.

So here we are, on again, off again. Our SCOTUS and frankly, all our legislation will now sway in the wind. It will swagger every time the majority edges to one side or the other. I call that the political tide of elections. We are almost hanging by a thread now. Perhaps lord Trump will push our constitution, and our freedom over the edge.


Thanks GOP and to a less degree, thanks DEMs.