This election year has been remarkable, horrible, unbelievable!! There have been a few candidates in our midst who appear to be the real deal, upfront proponents of the American people.

Unfortunately, Donald J. Trump is not one of these by a even the longest ranging telescope. Everything about Donald Trump seems to fracture the values and the ideals that have been a part of elections and of top candidates, for generations. Even in prior contestable election years, candidates have gotten in the trenches, but not to the point that they become animals, instead of respected leaders. 

Donald Trump is rude, crude, mean, obnoxious, pompous, arrogant, inconsistent; in fact, the well known author Stephen King called Trump a rabid coyote!! 

Though more than a few conservatives feel he should have been in the liberal barrel. We liberals recognize Trump for the Drumpf he is; a bad Trumpple, rotten to the core and you know what they say, 

one bad trumpple spoils the barrel?? 

In another comical passage by one Jim Carey, in the movie Liar, Liar, Fletcher gives a pretty good description of our presumptive nominee: 

He’s a pedantic, pontificating, pretentious bastard, a belligerent old fart, a worthless steaming pile of cow dung, figuratively speaking. 


This 2016 election cycle is about some of the worst possible candidates who (one in particular) seem to be promising with pretty talk, to “make America great again”. One in particular has vowed to “bring the country together”, “to unite the party”, but this candidates words, slurs, actions, and plans are doing 100%, exactly the opposite!! 

Wait, is America not great anymore?? 

If that is not insult enough, this same man has become the lead voice for the conservative party. Of course, to date, he has become the lead with an average of only 40%; of 17%; of registered republicans voting in primaries. That is hardly a major voice since 83% of all registered republican voters are not showing up at all but, this is also the great mystery of 2016!! 

What will that other 83%, of conservative minded voters do?? 

What will the large center of liberal and conservative independents do?? 

I can’t help but muse; these Trump voters must think that U.S. Congress will bow in fear of their newly elected President Trump, when he roars, demeans, threatens, and slams Congress?? 

We saw this in California just a few short years back. Arnold Schwarzenegger (the actor) decided that he was going to exercise fiscal responsibility for the state of California and due to the outright belligerent ways of one Gray Davis, Arnold was elected in a recall election. Arnold Schwarzenegger, a non politician, became ‘the Governator’. The new governor came in to office with many ideals and objectives that he planned to just do because, well because he was the governor. 

But Arnold soon found out by hard knocks, that a governor is not a CEO, President of a company, or bottom-line decision maker. A state governor, like a U.S. President, is a partner, one of two entities (and really three), that together, make laws and chose progress, or gridlock. At one point in the Governator’s first term and in obvious frustration, he punitively called the California Congress a bunch of “girly men”, when he learned they were not going to bow to his chosen beat. Schwarzenegger campaigned with all manner of “I’ll change everything “rhetoric too but Arnold got spanked by Congress a few times and he then got spanked by voters too, losing all his referendums. 

Governor Schwarzenegger learned how to work together with State Congress and California voters. He learned how to be a part of a greater California. In fact, the former governor and I share some common political ground. Arnold supports and endorsed – JOHN KASICH!!

So what does the former and new improved version of  

‘The Apprentice’ share with former Trump – NOTHING AT ALL!!

Comes to my mind, another wonderful quip. “he who smelt it, dealt it”. Unfortunately, Trump will never learn, never has, and never has had to learn to work together. He was taught from birth that being arrogant, pompous, mean, cruel, rich, and a hard ass, was the only way to win, to be a great (Trump), and to stay on top of the heap!! 

But America is great, not because of our nuclear or military might, not because of our monetary power or control. Our greatness is not displayed as we engage in slamming, demeaning, or bullying unto submission, dismissing, dissing those who oppose our views. 

America is great on account of the one and the many – yes, it is the American people that Trump regularly talks over. 


Seems outrageous that the Republican nominee would get this endorsement but – head dude of the KKK, recently came out and stated that of all the candidates, that Donald Trump’s views most closely aligned with KKK objectives!! 

The American people cannot afford the not-learning curve that Trump will never be able get past. Furthermore, America’s greatness was not provided on a silver spoon!! Our greatness not inherited or hand-me-down. 

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Bernie Sanders gets my support!!