I cast my vote after thoughtful research. I can sleep well with my choices because the candidates I chose for President and for Congress, will help all of “we the people”.  I do not support the idea of “us” and “them”, or of “the haves” and “the have nots”. Unlike GOP talk, there is no percentage or part of “we the people”, not even of the undocumented, who are disposable or do not count.

My feeling regarding international relations is one of diplomacy, negotiation, and again, working together as a world population. I do not feel that mighty buildup of our military beyond it being capable is required. We do not need to enforce our will upon the world with a mighty sword; rather, the United States needs be prepared to defend but focus on reaching out to show other leaders and nations, who the United States is, a peaceful minded people who know how to compromise to make progress. 

This has been mostly lost in front of the world, as regards what we stand for, in this election.

We the people are stronger when we work together. When we we divide, polarize, and become a party of no there is no progress.  

— bbsteve to the GOP and all voters


My chosen candidate is not perfect, nor am I, but she is not a racist. She is not a sexual predatory bombard (self stated by He). Hillary does not aspire to be a wealthy, plutocratic, damnagogue!!  

My candidate is NOT GUILTY as the demagogue keeps stating that she somehow is – despite she having been vindicated after a completed investigation. It is ever astounding that the FBI said errors in judgement – not guilty; yet, that somehow becomes guilty by desire (to win the Presidency), on the part of the GOP and the Trumpites.

My candidate is not in the basket of deplorable character traits. She has said nothing abominable through this election cycle; has left that to the other guy and he has fulfilled – told us about himself, time and time again. 

Hillary Clinton is on the higher ground, 

about “WE THE PEOPLE”!!

Hillary Clinton, wants a fair deal for every person. Hillary wants to provide basic lifestyle elements to every person, including quality healthcare for every person. She pledges to work with a willing Congress to improve the system, fix the parts that are not working be it healthcare, education, regulation, elderly, vets, minorities. 

Hillary Clinton pledges the continued dream of success for those who dare to dream. For those who toil, she will be our driving force – helping us to be our best as a person and as a people!!

She will make sure that the plutocracy of the top 1% wealthy cannot squelch the remaining 99% of we the people, through the power of wealth (lobbying and superpacs). 

There have been a couple of needed pieces of legislation during Obama term, all signed before 2010, when the party of No became empowered, things like the banking law. These are common sense regulation, from banking to civil rights and even election campaign reform, with a willing bipartisan, Congress. They are designed to keep the 1% of wealth and their mega-companies, from pillaging the rest of “we the people”. Hillary Clinton will continue and improve these legislative regulations, to protect us all.

Hillary has a vision for our children, all of them, not just those at the top. Education for every child is how our children take on the future and with skill and insight – continue to make our neighborhoods, nation, and world, a better place.

My candidate and the political party platform that I align with this year, do not call our election system or our government rigged, even when things go the wrong way. People err, but our election and government model are not rigged. 

“Stronger together”

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Rather than list all the fluff and there has surely been much, I focus on just three items that really dissuaded me from considering Donald J. Trump. I would rather have made a judgement of Trump, based just on his position on issues but, he has made so many claims that are very dangerous and his cavalier, arrogant, hot-tempered, bullying attitude towards anyone who opposes him; places his character traits as a component. How would Trump deal with domestic and especially with international issues, relationships, and negotiation.

Trump has stated more than once, his intention will be to harness His new justice system, in order to satisfy His own whims. Trump’s promise to find someone who will convict Clinton, reminds me of Boss Hogg, on the original ‘Dukes of Hazard’; if lord Zod were only that funny. 

Trump who has not, and most believe, will not, produce his 2015 tax return so that we the people can review and decide?? Oh that’s right he told George Stephanopoulos, twice, it is none of our business.

This is the Trump who blames everyone save self, for his own drool-slobbering mouth. He says the system is rigged, people are (every nasty word in the dictionary of evil). FOO-BAR!! Trump loves his mini-ship; calls it his twitter account and he tells us about the real Donald Trump every time. He gets off Conway’s teleprompter message often and shows the real Trump; at rallies, at demean-them news conferences, even in debates with fellow conservatives. Remember when he told us that Ted Cruz’ father had participated in the Kennedy assassination – REALLY?? 

Unfortunately the axiom applies

“loose ships sink lips”. 

These are the traits of one of our candidates

and his followers, the Trumpites

will the REAL Donald Trump please stand up.

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Trump, Trumpites, and the Republican base plan is about we the privileged and then about those other people (them 99%).