This most precious part of the United States success, working together for two and one half centuries, is under attack! We the people, this time by almost 3-million votes so far, voted for one presidential candidate and because of our antiquated electoral system instead,


Now I am not suggesting any sort of usurping of due process here but is it not perhaps, time to get back to a real, popular, vote wins and no candidate becomes President until he/she has acquired minimum 50% of that vote?

The solution to this problem is not a revolt nor an exception to our laws. It is – a continued push towards gaining the 105 additional vote State authorizations needed to remove the electoral college system of choosing a POTUS. ( 165 electoral votes in States, have already enacted law to remove the electoral system ))

A total of 270 electoral votes of the States, each enacted into that States law, is required in order to change our existing POTUS voting system to straight popular! Then we can begin to choose our President based on the real vote of we the people, not the distorted mirror vote of we the land or of we the GOP schemes (see Operation RedMap) for that matter.

For the next 4-years, barring a miracle from the Jill Stein recount effort, Lord Trump will be our President, along with his Billionaire laden cabinet, his numerous and ongoing conflicts of interest, his cohort Conway’s incessant rationalizations and ramblings. Most important is that our new defacto standard leader, lord trump, is continuing his pathological lies, his greater concern for self and personal interests, and fact that he is laying the foundation for a plutocracy, now in plain view.
In the meantime, we the people who voted for the proper candidate must weather the thunderstorm called lord trump presidency somehow – and hope there is a we the people, 4 years from now.