Trump is a very insecure narcissistic man but it cannot be denied that even in face of Trump’s own words and actions, the the many allegations against him, and a full-throated investigation that may prove highly immoral Russian collusion as well as much worse, criminal CONSPIRACY, OBSTRUCTION, even TREASON; still, a very significant portion of We, continue to wholeheartedly support and defend this Zod-be-President.

Trumpites and their Trump media continue to discount and discredit anything negative about the potus, including round after round of SEXUAL PREDATORY BEHAVIOR, IMMORAL CHEATING, even criminal SEXUAL ASSAULT – the many allegations.

The trumpites and Trump’s media call all this “FAKE NEWS”! Trump calls it a “witch hunt”. The trumpites suggest that because “He Got Elected” that whatever he does is okay?

In fact, Trump has succeeded with many of his outrageous and cruel campaign promises made to his base. These are promises that have hurt We the Majority, have hurt minorities, and picked on those who cannot return his bullying. Trump’s fulfilled promises are even (many) bad policy for almost all trumpites!


Why does Trump get away with his heinous agenda? Well, this is a two-part answer.

  • Due to a willing and majority GOP (party first – party must win) attitude! The Republican (GOP) elected politicians in Congress, will and are, doing whatever it takes to unite behind the Trump populist and in so doing, hoping to garner the vote of the trumpites even as has trump. But the party must win first – or does it? The GOP have on a number of occasions gone against their own platform! $1.5-Trillion in new National Debt, a $1-Trillion yearly deficit. These are not GOP norms (except it appears when they are in power), but the GOP do this as a single body and they align with the potus – even when the potus does not align with them. Hmmm?
  • A willingly fooled trumpite base who has turned away from the obvious to embrace one strategy-tool only – THE WIN! Trump’s ‘The Art of the Deal’ is exactly about this, the win. With Trump is always he (the winner) vs. they (losers) and he turns the trumpites on with a “we vs. they” game-plan. Instead of the United States together, Trump wins by dangling a divisive win-carrot in front of We the Fewer (trumpites) who want that win even more than a functional Democracy.

This state is realized when a sizable portion of a people begin to follow their leader no matter what he does“. Have a significant part of We the People begun to turn towards the next Fuhrer of the world?

THE WIN – implies that if there are winners, there must also be losers. Trump loves that term, losers. As the winners become fewer and fewer, the losers become vast as the stars we can see in the sky (we the 99.9%). Another way of looking at this;  defines unbridled capitalism over time. The objective of unbridled capitalism being unto a United States Plutocracy (rule by a small body of the wealthiest in the country).

Yet, to Trump, his trumpite-base are Zod’s worker ants who so badly want to call themselves part of a winning team, after such a frustrating years-long gridlock by their GOP establishment. Those (GOP establishment) were the other candidates running against Zod in the primary – the party of NO, Cruz, Rubio, Jeb, Kasich. So, when Zod dangles that win-carrot, the desperate trumpites will ignore the hidden (Trump) agenda, rule by wealth-mongering oligarchs – by Trump. They will embrace anything he was, is, or will do – to win again.

Hitler was a Populist. He did not seize power; rather, was elected and supported by about a third of the German people; was put into office by a willing Nazis party. The Nazis, a significant political movement of the time (just like the trumpite-GOP); would do anything to elect someone who told them that the time of Depression was finished; that they too could become Kings, that once again Germany would rise to be the greatest nation of the world! Sound familiar?

The Nazis considered Hitler the greatest leader of all time, their savior, their Fuhrer

this even as Hitler stole their freedom, their country, and threatened the world with
One-World King’s Rule