There are a few useful aspects to the Trump presidency. 1. He has provided so much rich material to every comedian on the planet – that should be his legacy. 2. The Dotard has really ignited the comfortable “were in our warm blankets”, liberal-base. Liberals now realize that we cannot stay home, we cannot sit back and let others do the hard work required of the citizens of democracy.

By almost two-thirds, We the Majority despise this man-child, Trump, yet there are also those 35-37% of We the People, who call Trump the exhalted, greatest leader of all time! I know, we think “how in the everlasting heckuba of all time can that be?” IT IS SO!



1. THIS IS MOST IMPORTANT! I speak to those U.S. CITIZENS, who have stated they wish they were not citizens any longer. Please, retract your wish. I hope each of yours are just cavalier comments of frustration. Why?

This is the hard part of Democracy, being a part. Living around those who do not believe what we believe. Tolerating even those who are lost or deplorable, among us.

2. Yes it is very frustrating to listen to the potus! Yes it is frustrating to watch the tribal GOP party enable Zod-Trump’s seeming appearance of criminal and reprehensible conduct. And yes, it is awfully frustrating to watch the Trumpites excuse away all the mischief as okay because “he got elected”.

It is most frustrating to watch Zod-Trump call our most precious and important free-press – FAKE! It is frustrating that the Trumpites seem to follow him like drones right over this cliff as regards demeaning our journalists and accusing the press of being illegitimate (save those who agree with Trump, that is). The fact is that our free-press are an absolute cornerstone of democracy. The free press are not required to be right, nor to always state only fact, without opinions. That is the hypocritical bar that Zod-Trump is imposing in order to debunk our free-press. It is our job to determine what is referenced and logical fact and which are opinions provided to challenge us as we reflect.

What is the purpose of the free-press? They deliver to us streams of fact and of opinion from multiple independent sources. The free-press keep in check, our government, for another critical purpose! The press alert us to what is as well as what may be – happening. They bring to We, experts from all sides to spew their rhetoric, facts, and opinions – so that We the People can evaluate for self and correlate with other sources. The press balance and challenge our views – when we listen and verify. It’s called doing our homework.

This “fake news” rhetoric by Zod-Trump is the most dangerous aspect to his agenda as it was for the people of Germany under Hitler. Hitler did the exact same thing; did not ban the free-press (even as has Trump called for). Hitler discredited the press so that only the Führer Hitler’s own words would be embraced by the people. Soon after, came World Wars as the rest of the world battled against this exalted supreme leader. Exalted by his people, not he!!

3. Which brings me to, what can we do about or to “help” the Trumpites (that 35-37%)? My answer is NOTHING, directly! How do you reason with people who will not even try to find the truth or to verify facts because they are convinced that their (CULT-LIKE) leader is the only one who tells the truth and he never lies? indirectly we can continue to be We, continue to exude the traits of a caring and concerned for all peoples nation – despite Trump! We can show by example that ours is about we, they, all! With hope, some will see this light and adapt. Unfortunately past that – one cannot reason with those who see only the exalted supreme leader of the world – in essence their Golden God.

So is all lost then?

No! Here is a goal for We the Majority. If We stand up, band together, remember and focus on what we all know, are, facts and truth, and persistently continue to discern fact from opinion and these two from willful fiction. If we stay the high-ground, don’t lower ourselves to the level of Trump and his base – and We vote, hard and massively this November?

Then any more ridiculous and democracy busting agenda, further foobar that the potus proposes will go through the prism of our newly elected representatives and be stopped cold.

Furthermore, if (and I emphasize if), Mueller comes forward with criminal mischief by the potus after November, our We the People newly elected will take action, not stand behind, embrace, and excuse the offender.